Step 1: Go to the following URL:
Step 2: Go to the top menu of the site, and click "Products" then "Products Overview".
Step 3: You will than proceed to the next page, and you are going to want to click this:
Step 5: Once you verify your email, you will come to this page.
Step 6: Move the scroll bar left or right to choose which operating system you want to setup. (For This Tutorial I Will Be Using Microsoft Windows Server 2008 64 Bit)
Step 7: Once you find the operating system you want to use, click "Add This Machine".
Step 8: Once you click "Add This Machine" you will go to the next step. Just click "Continue to Step 2".
Step 9: Once you click "Continue To Step 2" you can edit the name and the description of the VPS you just created. Once you do that click "Save and continue to step 3".
Step 10: You want to click "Finish and Run".
Step 11: You will notice the status says "Being Added".
Step 12: Once your VPS is ready, a button will appear that says "View Machine" click that and you will be taking to your VPS!
Step 13: enjoy & Feel free Thanks Reply Here :D
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